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Fall Protect Full Body Safety HarnessCliming Satety Belt (1) When you fasten the belt, set the buckle correctly and “D” rings position on rear side of the waist. (2) The hook led to safety b
Contact Us Product CenterFall Protect Full Body Safety HarnessCliming Satety Belt
(1) When you fasten the belt, set the buckle correctly and “D” rings position on rear side of the waist.
(2) The hook led to safety belt should be hung as high position as possible.
(3) The life rope should not be tied any of sharp angled object.
(4) Do not use the life rope to support yourself(For example, you bind it a pole to make “U” tenslon at your working on electric pole, etc.
(5) Do not use the safety belt which has once been damaged with impact, even if no difference in its out looking is recognized.
(6) Any of safety belts, having the following defects should not be used.
(a) Insufficient operation of safety cover of the hook.
b)Insufficient operation of the buckle’s lock.
c) Worn out life rope.
d)Kinked life rope.
e)Worn out threads on the stitched part on the belt.
f)Deiormed of eracked harness.
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