Here are some of the important fire fighting equipment that a fire fighter needs.With a tough job like this, they need rough training. In fact, all firefighters went through difficult trainings to pre
Here is a list of some of the equipment used by firefighters. As we all know, firefighting is one of the most risk-ridden jobs that one can imagine. Firefighters use certain essential equipment or gea
Here is a list of some of the most important equipment a firefighter needs to rescue and save lives. As we all know, being a firefighter is an exciting and awesome job. They should be equipped with th
Rescue tools are cutters, Spreaders, Rams, and door busters. The cutters are used to cut the metal covering and are made of heavy sharp edges that can penetrate vehicle''s metal thickness very easily.
The art of safely removing a trapped person from a cramped or small space with out making additional injury or damage to the his life is called extrication and the rescue tools are employed by trained
There are several reasons why you should purchase one fire fighting equipment. You do not buy extinguishers because you want to use them. You want to have them around just in case something happens. H